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Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer New Jersey

New Jersey Slip and Fall Lawyer

A slip and fall accident is an injury that occurs when someone falls on a piece of furniture or other object and injures themselves. In some cases, the furniture may be broken or damaged. The victim may also suffer from cuts, bruises, and other injuries.

Hire an attorney from New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. after your free consultation if you’re in doubt.

Why should I hire a slip and fall lawyer?

Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence in New Jersey and can leave victims with debilitating injuries that require costly medical care and rehabilitation. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a slip and fall accident, it is important to understand the legal process and the benefits of hiring a New Jersey slip and fall lawyer.

New Jersey slip and fall lawyers
  • Having a lawyer on your side will ensure that you have access to the legal resources necessary to pursue a successful case. Your lawyer will have a deep understanding of the laws governing slip and fall accidents in New Jersey and will be able to advise you on how to best proceed with your case.
  • A New Jersey slip and fall lawyer has the resources to conduct an investigation into the accident. This includes interviewing witnesses and obtaining evidence, such as video surveillance or photographs of the scene, to strengthen your case. A lawyer can also help you calculate the full extent of your damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • They can help you negotiate with the insurance company. Insurance companies often try to minimize the amount they have to pay out to settle a claim, but a lawyer can negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. A lawyer can also help to protect your rights in the event that the insurance company attempts to deny your claim.
  • Having a New Jersey slip and fall lawyer on your side can provide you with peace of mind. Knowing that you have a knowledgeable professional can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty that comes with filing a slip and fall claim.
  • An experienced New Jersey slip and fall lawyer has knowledge on premises liability. They can help you sue the owner of the property where you obtained your slip and fall injury.

When you seek the legal advice of a slip and fall lawyer at the New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C., we will take on the task of handling all aspects of your case. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and filing all necessary paperwork. The end goal is to make sure you get the compensation you deserve including monetary award for medical bills. Call our law office today, and let’s talk about your personal injury case.

Who is liable for a slip and fall accident?

In most cases, the person who owns or provides the furniture or object will be responsible for any injuries that result from a slip and fall accident. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if you were injured by another person when they slipped on your property, you may be able to hold them liable for their injuries. If they were at fault, however, they will likely have to pay damages to cover their medical bills as well as the pain and suffering associated with the accident.

We recommend getting a good New Jersey slip and fall lawyer from New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. to ensure liabilities are enforced in the correct way, and nobody can cut corners or avoid penalties.

The owner of the property where the incident took place is responsible for ensuring that the property is safe for people to use. If another person has caused damage by walking on wet floors or slippery surfaces, they can be held liable for their carelessness.

The question of who is liable in a slip and fall accident can be complicated. The following are some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents:

  • Poorly maintained or poorly lit walkways
  • Improperly maintained or improperly lit sidewalks
  • Not wearing appropriate footwear
  • Being inebriated while walking on a sidewalk

The accident may involve any type of flooring, such as carpet, vinyl, tile, or wood. If there is an injury or damage to property during the accident, the victim can file a claim against the responsible party.

The liability of a party depends on whether that person was negligent or at fault for causing the accident. In many cases, it is possible for both parties to be liable for damages but only one will be responsible for paying them out of pocket. The judge will then determine who should pay what amount of compensation under state law.

There are three types of liability in slip and fall accidents: strict liability, negligence, and comparative negligence.

Can I file a claim if I slip and fall?

The answer to the question is yes. You can file a claim for a slip and fall injury in New Jersey if you were injured on someone else’s property.

You will have to prove that the accident happened on their property and that they are negligent. The amount of your claim will depend on many factors, including how long after the incident you filed, what kind of injuries you sustained, and whether or not any medical treatment was required.

Can I sue for compensation for a slip and fall accident injury?

If you have suffered a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation. New Jersey law considers a slip and fall an “accidental” injury if the fall was caused by an independent act of another person or a natural occurrence.

If you are injured on your property, you can sue the person responsible for causing the accident. If the accident happened on someone else’s property, you may also be able to sue them for damages.

If you suffer an injury because of someone else’s negligence, such as by slipping in icy conditions or tripping over debris on their property, you may be able to sue them in court. The amount of compensation that you are entitled to will depend on several factors including:

  1. The severity of your injuries;
  2. The extent of your recovery;
  3. Your age and ability level;
  4. Whether any medical expenses were incurred as a result of your injuries;
  5. The amount of time it took for your injuries to heal; and
  6. Whether any pre-existing conditions contributed to your injuries

It’s not always so easy to determine, however.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in New Jersey, it is important to understand what your rights are as a victim. A slip and fall attorney can help you determine if you have a case, and if so, how to proceed with your claim.

Are there different types of claims for a slip-and-fall accident?

New Jersey’s laws regarding slips and falls are complex. There are several different types of claims that may be available to victims of slip-and-fall accidents in the Garden State:

  • Negligence: If the person responsible for your injury was negligent, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You will probably need to show that the defendant was aware of the danger at the time of your accident.
  • Personal injury: If the defendant did not cause the accident but they were negligent in some way — such as by failing to maintain their property or by failing to warn you about an unsafe condition on their property — then you may still be able to recover compensation for pain and suffering from your injuries. You will also likely be able to recover damages for any medical expenses related to the treatment of your injuries or loss of earning capacity.
  • Premises liability: If someone else’s negligence caused your slip-and-fall accident, then you may be able to file a lawsuit under the premises liability law – which states that property owners should make sure that their property is safe for visitors, tenants, etc.

Can I file a claim for slip and fall injuries from my workplace?

Things are a little different in work situations.

If you are an employee, then the law says that your employer is responsible for compensating you for injuries sustained in the course of employment. The amount of compensation is based on the type of injury and how long it takes to recover from the injury.

However, if you are a customer, then your claim may be limited to $1,500 even if your injury is severe or will require extensive medical treatment.

However, if your claim exceeds this amount, then you can seek reimbursement from the owner of the property (i.e., the business). In addition, some states have laws that allow consumers to sue businesses that cause slip and fall injuries on their property or premises.

How long after the accident can you file a personal injury claim in NJ?

New Jersey has a unique law when it comes to personal injury claims. In the state, you have 3 years from the date of the accident to file a claim for compensation.

If you do not file within that time frame, your claim becomes barred and you forfeit your rights to any damages.

What is the average payout for a slip and fall in NJ?

After filing a claim with the New Jersey Division of Workers Compensation Board, the case is assigned to an arbitrator who will settle the case. The arbitrator can only decide on one award per case and must award more than $50,000 to cover medical expenses and lost wages. If you are awarded less than $50,000 in total damages, this is considered a partial award and may be appealed by either party.

The average payout for slips and falls in New Jersey is around $40,000 according to some references and guides and our own experience. This is the median amount of money awarded to claimants in New Jersey

A New Jersey slip and fall lawyer will help you determine what is the average payout in your kind of case. You may be entitled to more than the state minimum on your claim.

What should be your course of action?

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, call your insurance agent as soon as possible. Your insurance company will want to know about any injuries you sustained as well as any medical expenses you may have incurred from treatment at the hospital.

A slip and fall accident is a type of personal injury that occurs when someone trips or falls on something they are walking on. It can be a steep hill, a wet floor, stairs, or a slippery surface.

Hiring a New Jersey injury lawyers or contacting New Jersey personal injury attorneys from a law firm that specializes in such cases is typically the first step. You will need all the legal help you can get to fine-tune the case and make sure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

Here at New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C., we can help you get the most specialized help for slip and fall accidents.

New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. specializes in many disciplines of legal casework, and slip and fall accidents happen to be one of our leading specialties. We have seasoned attorneys who can take care of your case and ensure that all legal proceedings are up to the mark. Slip and fall cases can be huge handicaps and we will help you determine the true extent of damage and compensation to be exacted. Get in touch with our team for a free consultation today.

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