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Birth Injury Lawyer New Jersey

New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer

Birth injuries are injuries that occur during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Depending on the severity of the injury, a birth injury can range from a minor skin rash to a devastating brain injury or hemorrhage.

If you experience a birth injury after giving birth, you may be entitled to compensation for your emotional and physical pain and suffering. The legal options for recovery depend on the type of injury suffered; however, there are several options available to you.

A New Jersey birth injury lawyer from New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. will help you demystify the case and equip you with the necessary information to take the next steps.

Why You Need A New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer?

When it comes to birth injury cases, hiring a New Jersey birth injury lawyer is essential. New Jersey birth injury lawyers have the skills and knowledge to guide their clients through the complex legal process and to help them receive the compensation they deserve. They are also experienced in negotiating settlements and can ensure that their clients are properly represented.

New Jersey birth injury lawyers

How a New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help

A New Jersey birth injury lawyer can provide invaluable help to those who have suffered from a birth injury. They are knowledgeable about birth injury cases and can provide their clients with legal advice and guidance. Birth injury lawyers are well-versed in the laws and regulations surrounding birth injuries and can help their clients understand their rights and their legal options.

New Jersey personal injury attorneys are also experienced in negotiating settlements and can help their clients receive the compensation they deserve. Additionally, they can review medical records and work with doctors and other medical professionals to gain an understanding of the birth injury case.

Finally, a good birth injury lawyer can provide their clients with emotional support during the legal process. They understand the stress and frustration that comes with a birth injury case and can provide their clients with the support and guidance they need.

What constitutes a birth injury?

The actions of healthcare providers often cause birth injuries. If you have been injured during the delivery process and have not been provided with adequate medical care, contact an experienced birth injury lawyer.

A birth injury may involve a physical injury to your newborn, a mental injury to you or your baby, or both. For example, if you have a C-section that leaves you with an open wound or scar, it will affect your physical appearance and change how others perceive you and how you feel about yourself.

Additionally, if the doctor fails to provide proper postpartum care after delivering your child, this can also be considered a birth injury. This type of negligence can leave you unable to get back on your feet financially and emotionally after giving birth.

Many women do not realize their baby has been injured until hours after delivery. In some cases, mothers have experienced complications that have caused them to become unconscious during childbirth.

This is known as hypovolemic shock and can occur due to severe blood loss or other medical problems resulting from labor or delivery itself. If your baby was injured during this time, you might be able to file a claim against your hospital or doctor’s office for failing to recognize that your baby was injured in any way during this critical time period.

A New Jersey birth injury attorney can help you better ascertain whether or not an injury will legally classify as a birth injury for which you should be compensated. This is a critical step so that you don’t waste time launching a futile case.

Who is responsible for birth injuries?

If your baby has suffered from a birth injury, you may be able to sue the hospital for damages. If you have questions about whether or not your child has suffered from a birth injury, contact an attorney right away.

Proper consultation with a New Jersey birth injury lawyer can help you figure out who the responsible party is. Our trusted birth injury lawyers at New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. have a wealth of experience in birth injury claims, thanks to similar past cases in NJ.

How do you legally manage birth injuries?

The best way to manage birth injuries is to prevent them from happening in the first place by taking steps before you give birth to protect your body.

Preventive care includes:

  • Taking steps to avoid episiotomies (an incision made above the vagina). This can be accomplished by avoiding having multiple births vaginally or through forceps deliveries.
  • Having your baby vaginally if possible.

What are the most common birth injuries, and are they permanent?

The most common birth injuries are bruising, tearing, and swelling. Bruising is a minor injury that causes a red or purple skin discoloration, usually around the delivery site. Tearing occurs when one or more muscle fibers tear from the underlying fascia or connective tissue. Swelling usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours after delivery. It can last for several weeks, but most women do not experience long-term swelling if they heal well.

Birth injuries to the baby

A birth injury is an injury that occurs during the delivery of a child. The most common birth injuries include:

  • Premature birth (before 37 weeks of pregnancy)
  • Prematurity
  • Infections leading from the poor upkeep of tools
  • Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
  • Birth asphyxia (low oxygen levels in the blood)
  • Perinatal asphyxia (low oxygen levels in the brain)
  • Neonatal seizures, which can occur at any time during pregnancy or after birth, may also cause permanent brain damage or death
  • Birth trauma (physical damage to the baby’s head)
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (abnormally large head and/or small pelvis)
  • Torticollis (twisting of the neck)

Birth injuries to the mother

Note that injuries that happen to the mother can also be grouped under birth injuries. These can include:

  • C-section scarring
  • Infection
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Perineal laceration (a cut or tear in the perineum, or the area between a woman’s anus and vagina)
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Early onset sepsis
  • Postpartum hemorrhage
  • Gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea)
  • Hemorrhage
  • Ruptured uterus or bladder (uterine rupture)

Injury to the parts involved in childbirth, such as the uterus, umbilical cord and placenta, fetus, and the mother’s back, hips, or legs, can also prove to be fatally serious if a birth is carried out in an improper or inefficient way.

Medical negligence vs. birth injury: What’s the difference?

All birth injury cases are medical negligence cases, but not all medical negligence cases are birth injury cases. If you see some form of medical negligence, it amounts to a medical malpractice case legally – but as long as your newborn is safe and not harmed in any way, it’s not a birth injury case legally because there is no injury in the first place.

A medical negligence case can become a birth injury case if injuries, physical, or mental damage is found either with the mother or the newborn.

Contact a New Jersey birth injury lawyer for a better chance at receiving fair compensation!

Birth injuries are common, and they can be serious. Thousands of women worldwide suffer from birth injuries that require medical care every year. New Jersey Injury Lawyers P.C. helps you ascertain the damage, hold those responsible liable for the damages, and work out fair compensation if the case goes to court.

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